Net Worth Comparison by Occupation: Unknown/Other

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Username Occupation Education Cost Of Living Salary Range Age Range Net Worth Salary Range Sort Net Worth Sort
Username Occupation Education Cost Of Living Salary Range Age Range Net Worth Salary Range Sort Net Worth Sort
bornbelgian Unknown/Other Bachelors degree MCOL 250,000 - 499,999 45-49 $3,667,600 15 3667600
Cejoro Unknown/Other Bachelors degree MCOL 150,000 - 199,999 45-49 $993,943 12 993943
fifty50 Unknown/Other Bachelors degree - 200,000 - 249,999 35-39 $1,229,000 13 1229000
FIREat42 Unknown/Other Masters degree MCOL 100,000 - 149,999 40-44 $1,306,450 11 1306450
Hamsolo168 Unknown/Other High school graduate HCOL 80,000 - 89,999 25-29 $238,232 9 238232
jessiehorne03 Unknown/Other Masters degree VHCOL 250,000 - 499,999 35-39 $1,290,259 15 1290259
larry Unknown/Other Bachelors degree - 0 - 9,999 30-34 $1,071,141 1 1071141
networthpey Unknown/Other Bachelors degree HCOL 150,000 - 199,999 40-44 $2,309,505 12 2309505

* User has a budget