Net Worth Comparison by Salary: $40,000 - $49,999

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Username Occupation Education Cost Of Living Salary Range Age Range Net Worth Salary Range Sort Net Worth Sort
Username Occupation Education Cost Of Living Salary Range Age Range Net Worth Salary Range Sort Net Worth Sort
Anvestor Sales High school graduate MCOL 40,000 - 49,999 35-39 $564,644 5 564644
barrybean Computer Programming Bachelors degree HCOL 40,000 - 49,999 30-34 $141,181 5 141181
bobIsTesting667 Computer Programming Bachelors degree LCOL 40,000 - 49,999 18-24 $165,500 5 165500
chocolatepudding Government Some high school MCOL 40,000 - 49,999 30-34 $523,381 5 523381
fitguy Transportation/Warehousing High school graduate - 40,000 - 49,999 40-44 $92,706 5 92706
lilstitious Healthcare, Medical & Dental Practitioners Bachelors degree - 40,000 - 49,999 30-34 $62,055 5 62055
Moneybee Administrative Support/Clerical Bachelors degree - 40,000 - 49,999 30-34 $83,143 5 83143
p00rman Retired Some high school MCOL 40,000 - 49,999 65-69 $1,343,000 5 1343000
proud2bfrugal Retired Masters degree HCOL 40,000 - 49,999 60-64 $4,459,019 5 4459019

* User has a budget