Sept. 03 Update: Well obviously crypto once again took a dump and so my brokerage is feeling the pain. Luckily the rest of the market had a bounce back month so that helped me feel better about the numbers but overall it was a decrease NW month. I am having quite the time trying to get over 570K. Here's to hoping that crypto has a bull month and I can top 570K before my 35th birthday in November.
August was a "fun" month and we had family visit, we also went on a 3 day vacation to the Wisconsin dells, followed by a wedding in Wisconsin as well, overall we were gone for 9 days.
I am starting to work on losing weight, gaining muscle and overall increase my health. I have officially hit a weight that makes me concerned and thus I NEED to work on it. This new job that im working requires a lot of sitting and being tied to my desk so it has been a struggle. Eating healthier and smaller portions while also weight lifting is my plan to success.
Debt info: CC - Revolving paid in full every month Furnace - 0% interest until October 2026 Furniture - 0% interest until October 2024(will be paid off this month (September)).
Silver Price (Oz): $28.31 (108)
Stock adjustments: None |