JayManC's Net Worth for October 2008

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $5,018 $1,779 54.92%
Stocks $0 - -
IRA $0 - -
Retirement $9,009 ($2,849) (24.03%)
Home $145,000 ($5,000) (3.33%)
Cars $1,100 - -
$160,127 ($6,070) (3.65%)
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $138,146 ($181) (0.13%)
Other Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Student Loans $4,168 ($71) (1.67%)
Credit Cards $3,545 ($934) (20.85%)
Car Loans $0 - -
Other Debts $0 - -
Total Debts $145,859 ($1,186) (0.81%)
Net Worth $14,268 ($4,884) (25.50%)
*All values shown in USD ($)
Picked up a pretty decent sized per diem check this month paid a sizable chunk of the BOA loan down after I paid off the NFCU Visa that I racked up a balance on because the GF needed some cash and I ran into some liquidity issues when a canceled charge locked up funds for almost a week. Less than $500 left on the Balance which means I should definitely be set on my goal to eliminate this by EOY, and could still have some cash to make for a good Christmas. I'm so excited I can't believe that back in March I would be so close to eliminating this overwhelming burden from my shoulders. Words cannot express the elation that I feel. I'm slated to go on a trip to Europe through work, and the per diem that I get from that combined with my mid-month check will truly knock this debt out of the park. Also back on the First I got a promotion and am now earning an additional $400/mo. I plan to size this increase back to retirement when the new year starts considering that I will no longer need the additional income. Things are looking up!!! On a down note, houses in my neighborhood aren't selling so I reduced the value in my asset line and like virtually every other American my retirement took a nosedive losing over $3K in value... needless to say my net worth isn't looking to phenomenal.
