LegalTeam's Net Worth for April 2024

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $103,264 ($24,671) (19.28%)
Stocks & Crypto $43,231 $397 0.93%
Company Stock & Options $498,482 ($41,239) (7.64%)
Annuities Whole Life $397,250 $2,363 0.60%
Deferred Compensation $174,149 $4,587 2.71%
Retirement $4,053,548 ($141,227) (3.37%)
529 Accounts $297,233 ($6,446) (2.12%)
Home $2,544,000 - -
Beach House $1,615,000 - -
$9,726,157 ($206,236) (2.08%)
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $1,663,682 ($4,115) (0.25%)
Beach House Mortgage $1,324,703 ($1,766) (0.13%)
Credit Cards $0 - -
Total Debts $2,988,385 ($5,881) (0.20%)
Net Worth $6,737,772 ($200,355) (2.89%)
*All values shown in USD ($)
Houses updated to include basis, below Zillow value
Pay off credit cards monthly

Kid now in college so drawing down 529 account.

Negative NW at age 30; first $100K NW at age 35; $1M NW at age 40; $2M NW at age 43; $3M NW at age 45; $4M NW at age 46; $5M NW at age 47; $6M NW at age 49


5/4/2024 12:30:56 PM LegalTeam
Just populated my budget based on 2023 - for anyone who wants to see what it takes to live "chubby" or "fat" FI in a VHCOL location.
5/6/2024 8:35:52 AM admin
Looks like I need to make some changes to allow for > $50,000/mo income :) Thanks for sharing, it's not often we have insight into numbers like this!
5/6/2024 8:44:22 AM girlnextdoor
I took a peek .... I consider myself to be pretty comfortable with big numbers in general, but I can't even wrap my head around these. :D @admin would be interesting to add a % of total column to budgets for context (either % of income or % of spending)