Cash increase from sale of company stock options. Both companies are at or near all time highs, so taking some risk off the table. Even with the sales, increase in remaining portfolios has kept the value of remaining shares as high as last month. Also moved some cash from the stocks & crypto category (in a HYSA at the brokerage) over to the cash category. Cash is net of tax withholding, although tax liability is increasing because withholding is not high enough, so will need to adjust for that. Using cash to establish emergency fund and keep some dry powder. Will also be making a down payment on a new EV this month.
Houses updated to include basis, below Zillow value Pay off credit cards monthly
Kid now in college so drawing down 529 account.
Negative NW at age 30; first $100K NW at age 35; $1M NW at age 40; $2M NW at age 43; $3M NW at age 45; $4M NW at age 46; $5M NW at age 47; $6M NW at age 49; $7M NW at age 50 |