Didn't realize it's been a few months since I last updated. I recently accrued some charges on the CC related to travel down to my uncle's funeral in Fl. Should have it paid off within the next few weeks - likely taking some cash from one of my savings accounts.
My wife recently lost her job and it using the time to train for a new role she's interested in. Not sure how that will impact the household finances as it could be weeks or months until she's found work again. Due to her company downsizing, she's able to collect UE but I may need to reduce some saving/investing in the event that it isn't enough to pay her bills.
I added a new line for ESPP. The quarterly purchase period just closed and I was awarded (bought) 5+ shares. This is based on a 2% deduction that I elected. I'm automatically enrolled in the next quarter's plan but those won't be awarded until September or so. I closed down an old Fidelity 401k account from an employer I left. Invested the balance into my IRA with the matching contributions going into a traditional IRA account that I had to create to receive the funds. |