Currency |
Canada Dollar - CAD |
Date Joined |
8/26/2023 |
Salary Range |
20,000 - 29,999 |
Occupation |
Internet/Web/E-Commerce |
Age Range |
35-39 |
Cost Of Living |
Very High Cost Of Living (VHCOL) |
About Me |
I'm pursuing financial independence living with a disability, eligible for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and other Candian disability benefits. |
Why I Joined |
To keep myself accountable as I become financially independent and transition off Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and become millionaire. Very inspired by Dave Ramsey baby steps and proven results from hundres of families. |
Best Financial Decision |
Sticking with the Dave Ramsey 7 Baby Steps Plan and creating a zero-based budget. |
Worst Financial Decision |
Listening to broke people, or people who have an opinion about Ontario Disability Support Program or people who think you can only be wealthy from family money. |
Current Investing Strategy |
* Understand all the financial limitations created by Ontario Disability Support Program * Create and stick with a Zero Based Budget * Keep debt at a Low or Zero balance. * Save and invest Monthly * Max out Investments (RDSP, RRSP, TFSA and FHSA) *Invest in non-registered, taxable account |
How do you manage your finances? |
Monthly I create a zero-based budget before the month begins.
Budget categories * Business * Housing * Lifestyle * Transportation * Savings * Investing * Debt
I work with a certified financial planner who reviews the performance of my portfolio regularly.
I educated myself on the Canadian financial system, and understood I would need credit to enter into home ownership. |
What tools do you use? |
I have multiple GoogleSheets (Budget, Net Worth Tracker, Commission Income Tracker) I track my spending using the app Every Dollar, I file my taxes using TurboTax Full Service Self-Employed. |
I need financial help with... |
Navigating financial stability and transition out of ODSP is something I do on my own, but I've recently interviewed financial coaches I think one can help guide me through the process.
Too many people who don't live with a disability have no idea what it means to live low income and still be expected to be financially self-sufficient. |
Favorite Authors |
Suze Orman, David Bach, Gail Vaz Oxlade, Dave Ramsey, Ramit Sethi. Brain and Preston - Money Guy Show, Brand Bruchard Growth Day Masterclass |
Favorite Books |
Everything Gail Vaz Oxlade, and Dave Ramsey, You are a badass series. and more. |
Favorite Movies |
TV Series, Nip/Tuck, Grimm, Lucifer, and there is more. I read and watch tv. |
Website | |
Last Login |
8/31/2024 |
Budget |
This user has not created a budget |