jaymanc's Net Worth for December 2023

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $59,870 ($3,017) (4.80%)
Stocks $91,480 $6,206 7.28%
IRA $0 - -
Retirement $589,884 $42,751 7.81%
529 Plan $18,675 $1,465 8.51%
Home $380,000 - -
Cars $45,000 - -
Motorcycle $4,000 - -
$1,188,909 $47,405 4.15%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $172,936 ($1,032) (0.59%)
Other Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Student Loans $0 - -
Credit Cards $334 ($4,661) (93.31%)
Car Loans $0 - -
Other Debts $0 - -
Total Debts $173,270 ($5,693) (3.18%)
Net Worth $1,015,639 $53,098 5.52%
*All values shown in USD ($)
Slight improvement in investments as a result of the "Santa rally".

I didn't adjust the values of my house, truck, or motorcycle. A bit of a reduction in cash available as I paid for a pricy year-long subscription in order to do some professional development training over the next couple of months. My goal is to complete the certification route and then use that to increase my income.

Been thinking about whether to leave the Reserves though the insurance, potential for a promotion (5-6 years out) to increase my pension do factor in. Will likely need to volunteer to mobilize within the next 2 years in order to stay competitive for promotion.
