Ikeh89's Net Worth for March 2024

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $25,451 $1,259 5.20%
Emergency Fund $15,100 $54 0.36%
Kids Savings $9,504 $69 0.73%
Stocks and Crypto $48,174 $15,837 48.97%
TSP $106,824 $5,278 5.20%
Retirement $72,388 $1,352 1.90%
Home $220,000 - -
Personal Property $3,500 - -
Cars $41,750 ($250) (0.60%)
Silver $2,453 $28 1.15%
$545,144 $23,627 4.53%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Credit Cards $1,961 ($181) (8.45%)
New Furnace $5,137 ($161) (3.04%)
Furniture $1,885 ($310) (14.12%)
Total Debts $8,983 ($652) (6.77%)
Net Worth $536,161 $24,279 4.74%
*All values shown in USD ($)
No significant changes over the past month. Pulled our daughter out of private school and are starting to home school, so that will end the $454/mo. cost.

With the crypto market bouncing back I saw nice gains in my brokerage account. Very nice to see that. I've been in the red with crypto for the past 2 years or so and now finally back in the green!

Lastly, yesterday, March 1st I got certified at my job after 6 months of training (If you remember we moved last Aug for this job). Things are trending up overall!


3/11/2024 1:04:48 PM Ikeh89
Honestly, switching to SoFi for my banking needs has made such a difference. I'm making >$175/month more money using there high yield savings and credit card rewards, every month. I wish I would have switched sooner. https://www.sofi.com/invite/money?gcp=b1160b9e-012b-4436-a42c-e7edfdcc2905&isAliasGcp=false
3/12/2024 9:29:35 AM JayManC
Appreciate the comment on my Feb post. Looks like you track a little more granularly than I do. Perhaps I should itemize. Good luck on your journey!
3/12/2024 7:10:10 PM Ikeh89
Hey, you hit a milestone that's a far away goal for me, that's something to celebrate! I try to be very detailed as it allows my to really improve with intentional actions.
4/1/2024 10:08:48 AM girlnextdoor
Is your daughter old enough to self-manage homeschool, or are one of you leading her education? My oldest starts K this fall, and she will be at a private school .... but we have been keeping homeschool in the back of our minds as an option for years. It would require some pretty big changes for our family, though, so we're really hoping that we like the school she will be attending.
4/1/2024 11:02:25 AM Ikeh89
Oldest is 6 years old. Technically Kindergarten, but we started her home school with 1st grade. She is writing 2nd grade....the great thing about home school. We just felt the private school wasn't pushing her to her potential. We have a 3 year old at home and my wife is a stay at home mom so she is basically a Saint. Lol.