jaymanc's Net Worth for July 2023

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $56,603 ($49,088) (46.44%)
Stocks $79,742 $11,382 16.65%
IRA $0 - -
Retirement $548,120 $70,992 14.88%
529 Plan $14,901 $3,070 25.95%
Home $360,000 - -
Cars $45,000 $45,000 -
Motorcycle $3,500 - -
$1,107,866 $81,356 7.93%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $175,530 ($1,412) (0.80%)
Other Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Student Loans $0 - -
Credit Cards $1,341 $861 179.38%
Car Loans $0 - -
Other Debts $0 - -
Total Debts $176,871 ($551) (0.31%)
Net Worth $930,995 $81,907 9.65%
*All values shown in USD ($)
Purchased a 2019 truck OTD $50K with cash reducing some of my liquidity. I've been trying to pay myself back each pay period as a form of a no-interest loan to replenish my savings. This will also help to prepare for any home/truck repairs or maintenance down the road. I'm carrying it on the books for $45k because I spent some money on taxes, registration, etc. Market has been on the incline this past month which helps my investments. Still putting 15% into retirement despite not having a match at work. I'm anticipating being fully onboarded in September which I'm told will come with a raise. How much of a raise is TBD. Been contributing $150/week into the 529 plan. I'll keep that going for as long as I can.
