labangel's Net Worth for June 2023

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $0 - -
Stocks $702,692 $31,697 4.72%
Bonds $0 - -
Annuities $0 - -
Retirement $558,896 $22,808 4.25%
Home $0 - -
Other Real Estate $0 - -
Cars $0 - -
Personal Property $0 - -
Other Assets $14,615 ($2,829) (16.22%)
$1,276,203 $51,676 4.22%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Other Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Student Loans $0 - -
Credit Cards $0 - -
Car Loans $0 - -
Other Debts $0 - -
Total Debts $0 - -
Net Worth $1,276,203 $51,676 4.22%
*All values shown in USD ($)
Career: I like my team and decided to stay. I like the work, can do it remotely, and like my teammates. There's nothing wrong with the job itself. The main issues are I'm falling down a compensation cliff EOQ3 and that I may not be doing promo-worthy work right now. I'll probably revisit those in a couple months.

Life: My partner and I flew to Europe on Memorial Day. We'd been planning to do it for years and had the travel bug even more because of the pandemic. We literally booked tickets on a Friday to fly out the next Monday. It's the perfect time for a long trip since my partner accepted a job offer but delayed the start date. And I am working remotely right now, plus I'll take vacation for almost a month. We plan to fly back in July but haven't booked the return tickets yet.

Financial: I paid some medical bills; this is why the "Other Assets" category which represents the HSA went down. I sold some company stock to diversify my portfolio. I'm keeping the cash until we're done travelling and my partner has started a job. The cash is not tracked here because I only track my FIRE accounts here. It's awesome having money so we can travel.

Health & wellness: I kept up the workout routines until we flew to Europe. This trip consists of a lot of walking and a lot of eating so it likely evens out health-wise.
