mbasherp's Net Worth for May 2024

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $44,810 ($2,075) (4.43%)
Stocks $133,090 $5,788 4.55%
Bonds $0 - -
Retirement $483,035 $23,516 5.12%
Home $470,000 - -
Cars $47,000 ($1,000) (2.08%)
Crypto $7,295 $1,484 25.54%
Precious Metals $11,348 $474 4.36%
529 $8,418 $362 4.49%
$1,204,996 $28,549 2.43%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage - 2.5% 30yr $181,607 ($386) (0.21%)
Student Loans $0 - -
Credit Cards $0 - -
Car Loan 0% 3 yr $20,710 ($986) (4.54%)
Other Debts $0 - -
Total Debts $202,317 ($1,372) (0.67%)
Net Worth $1,002,679 $29,921 3.08%
*All values shown in USD ($)
I know it's not what it used to be and these numbers can fluctuate wildly, but 9.5 years after crossing zero we have built a million dollar net worth. What a ride! The craziest part is that so far this has been a bad income year; we are saving far less than usual (18% vs 30%) because my income has dropped for the time being. That's such a great illustration of this journey though - good decisions compound and can become an incredible buffer for the ups and downs of life. Immensely proud over here and optimistic for the future; if we did this in less than ideal conditions, it's amazing what is possible.

Our keys have been:
1) Making rational, rather than emotional decisions... when those disagree, doing the inner work to address what is clouding our emotions.
2) Saving consistently with a Boglehead's approach and not trying to get rich quickly. We want to build wealth with certainty.
3) Buying a home when we knew where we'd be for at least a few years, and refinancing down from 3.875% to 2.5% as opportunity arose. Not paying extra to the mortgage!
4) Trying to enjoy the journey along the way by spending on the special things but not extravagance.
