labangel's Net Worth for April 2024

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $0 - -
Stocks $1,083,666 $60,269 5.89%
Bonds $0 - -
Annuities $0 - -
Retirement $732,183 $16,968 2.37%
Home $0 - -
Other Real Estate $0 - -
Cars $0 - -
Personal Property $0 - -
Other Assets $15,538 $6 0.04%
$1,831,387 $77,243 4.40%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Other Mortgage(s) $0 - -
Student Loans $0 - -
Credit Cards $0 - -
Car Loans $0 - -
Other Debts $0 - -
Total Debts $0 - -
Net Worth $1,831,387 $77,243 4.40%
*All values shown in USD ($)
Career: I did not get promoted but you bet I will try again in 5 months. I know which two things to focus on now. I'm looking back to last month's entry to help temper the disappointment since I really do have a cushy job.

Life: I'm pregnant. Only my partner and I know so far, we haven't even told our parents or siblings yet. This makes it more urgent for us to remodel our house regardless of the price. We visited Atlanta for a family wedding last month and I had a good time meeting and getting to know my partner's relatives.

Financial: We paid property taxes and made a good start on income taxes. My partner and I still hold some crypto so I want to take advantage of the upswing and sell out of various small positions to simplify our combined portfolio.

Health & wellness: My partner and I continue to cook most of the food we eat, but I'd like to exercise more. I want to start strength training again.


4/10/2024 7:58:13 PM MillionaireBefore50
Congrats, it has been six years since I wrote that article. It's amazing how you have grown your net worth :)
4/11/2024 8:58:22 AM FatStacks
Congrats to you both! Ours is 14 and it still feels like she was just born yesterday. I know it's early, but a 529 plan is 👍 That was one of our best financial decisions. The way you break down your Notes by tenet is nicely laid out. It's a nice reminder that we're all humans and have a lot more to focus on than just dollars!
5/1/2024 8:09:37 PM labangel
Thank you so much!! I got the idea to break down by tenet from the book Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans.