sertra2002's Net Worth for May 2024

Assets Value Change ($) Change (%)
Cash $126,035 ($2,900) (2.25%)
Stocks $411,037 $17,537 4.46%
Cryptocurrency $1,714 ($376) (17.99%)
Home $750,000 $30,000 4.17%
Other Real Estate $800,000 - -
Cars $8,000 ($2,000) (20.00%)
Personal Property $47,000 - -
Kids 529 $504,152 ($1,471) (0.29%)
HSA $54,691 $83 0.15%
His Retirement $1,031,374 $3,320 0.32%
Her Retirement $883,857 $12,331 1.41%
$4,617,860 $56,524 1.24%
Debts Value Change ($) Change (%)
Home Mortgage(s) $234,803 - -
Mortgage Rental 1 $62,614 ($961) (1.51%)
Mortgage Rental2 $119,070 ($246) (0.21%)
Mortgage Rental3 $155,125 ($375) (0.24%)
Credit Cards $55,949 ($8,234) (12.83%)
Auto Loan $8,076 ($332) (3.95%)
Total Debts $635,637 ($10,148) (1.57%)
Net Worth $3,982,223 $66,672 1.70%
*All values shown in USD ($)


5/18/2024 10:28:28 PM Appliedvalueinvestor
Curious about your food budget at $800 with 2 kids..
5/19/2024 6:02:35 AM sertra2002
One kid is grown up and moved out, so it’s just 1 kid. And $800 was a gusstimate. I’ve bumped it to 1200 which is more closer to actual I think. Thanks
5/20/2024 4:25:09 PM Ikeh89
$1200/mo for food? What are you buying? My family of 4 is $400/month. Lol. I feel like $1200 would be steak every night.
5/21/2024 10:19:46 AM BirdNole
Ours is ~$1,300/month for a family of 4. We eat really healthy / organic though. Meats, fruits, veggies ... it's insanely expensive and we are in a MCOL small city.
5/21/2024 4:40:43 PM sertra2002
Lekh89 - $400 for groceries would mean you are eating out a lot instead ? Eating steak every day at home is still going to be cheaper than eating out.
5/22/2024 8:56:45 AM Ikeh89
@sertra - we go out to eat once a week. 2 times a month to little ceasars at $18/visit, once to taco bell at $10-15, and once to a Chinese buffet at $31. Our monthly restaurant budget is $75 for the entire family to go out. We meal plan for the whole month at the beginning of the month. We are just disciplined and look for deals. I wish we could post pictures on here to show our monthly meal calendar. We have a meat for the main meal at least 90% of the time.
5/22/2024 9:00:59 AM Ikeh89
Oh and we bought a 1/2 cow in October for $1500. That meat will last us for 1 year, so add $125 to the $400, so $525/month. My wife reminded me of this to add.
5/24/2024 12:32:38 AM Appliedvalueinvestor
Ours is $1200 per month for family of 4. We also eat 4 times a month in restaurants.. Chipotle, Mods are most common outings for us with Italian or Thai Restaurants in between.
6/3/2024 11:18:51 AM girlnextdoor
Another data point: my family of 4 (2 adults 2 small kids) spent ~$950/month total on food in 2023. MCOL. ~$720/month grocery and $230/mo dining. Although "grocery" includes everything bought at grocery stores or Costco, because we don't break out receipts in our tracking (so there's a bunch of random other Costco purchases, OTC medicines, diapers/pull ups, cleaning supplies, gifts, etc. technically in there too). So maybe closer to $600-650/month in true grocery food.